Housing Whitefish

Housing Whitefish


Association/Not for profit

About Us

We are committed to increasing community housing options in Whitefish for those that want to live, work and play in our community.

Housing Whitefish cares deeply about empowering the community to have choices where they live, regardless of economic status. As the community grows, our vision is to maintain the spirit of Whitefish while strengthening the community and fulfilling the ongoing demand for affordable housing.

Your contributions are essential for helping us achieve our mission! Because of your support, we are able to advocate, plan, and engage in meaningful action around housing affordability in the Whitefish community.


Gallery Image Housing_Whitefish_logo.png

Printed courtesy of www.whitefishchamber.org/ – Contact the Whitefish Chamber of Commerce for more information.
505 East Second Street , Whitefish, MT 59937 – (406) 862-3501 – visit@whitefishchamber.org